
Dodge & burn

Control exposure in shadows and highlights with Dodge & Burn brushes.

Lighten and darken specific areas of your photos with intuitive exposure brush tools. Use Dodge to brighten, and Burn to darken wherever you choose.

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Paint With Light

Inspired by techniques developed in film darkrooms, the Dodge & Burn tool allows you to selectively brighten and darken shadows and highlights — simply use your finger to paint with light.


Brighten with Dodge

Bring back detail to shadows, brighten foregrounds, or draw attention to faces with the Dodge brush. Selectively lighten dark areas for a more balanced look and exposure.

Darken with Burn

Rescue bright, overexposed highlights or get the perfect amount of cloud detail in that golden shot with Burn. Use the brush to creatively darken any area of your photo.

Control Your Brush

Easily adjust brush size with a simple slider. Use a big brush to cover entire backgrounds, or go small and pinch to zoom to edit details. Brush over the same area to increase its effect.

How to use Dodge & Burn

From Studio, select a photo and tap the edit icon to access the photo editor. Tap Dodge and Burn. Use the Size slider to adjust the editing brush size. Use Dodge to lighten specific areas of a photo, or tap Burn to darken. Tap on a specific area of the photo to start applying the brush. Tap the Check icon when you’re done to save your changes.

vsco.co/   shahazman