Photography Guides

Portrait of a woman with windswept hair in a brown jacket against blue sky

If you're looking to get started with portrait photography, you're in the right place.

Night sky and bright stars above evergreen forest trees taken by an astrophotographer

Astrophotography is a fascinating and magical field in photography

Woman wearing a large sun hat with eyes closed looking up at the sun edited with a black and white VSCO filter

A photographers guide to black and white photography

Two older women in peacoats with arms linked walking away from the camera on city street

For street photographers, the camera offers a means to make sense of the world as it happens around them

Wild tiger in grass with shadow in foreground taken by a wildlife photographer

When it comes to photographing wildlife, you need an abundance of patience

Beach photography aerial view of people swimming in the sea and people standing on the beach with shadows

Beach scenes are often tricky to shoot because they’re subject to changing sun, wind, water, and light conditions

Landscape of Lake Louise in Canada with glossy water, canoer, small island, and snow capped mountains in the background

how to shoot landscape photography, general landscape photography tips, and camera settings for landscape photography.